Boeing 777 Electrics
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During autoland, the busses isolate to allow three independent sources to power the three autopilots.
The left IDG powers the left AC transfer bus, the left main DC bus, and the captain’s flight instrument bus The right IDG powers the battery bus and AC standby bus through the main battery charger The backup system powers the right AC transfer bus, the right DC bus, and the first officer’s flight instrument bus.
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The standby inverter converts DC power to AC power. The inverter powers the AC standby bus if the right transfer bus is not powered.
The standby inverter converts DC power to AC power. The inverter powers the AC standby bus if the left transfer bus is not powered.
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What is the source of standby electrical power if the RAT sheds electrical power because of low hydraulic pressure?
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Which one of the following is not a reason for the backup electrical system to automatically power one or both transfer busses?
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What is the secondary source of power for 'fly-by-wire' if one or more PMGs are unpowered?
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What is the electrical configuration during autoland?
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What is the correct source order for powering left and right main busses in flight?
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What provides DC power on the B777?
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Which one of the following is not true about the Primary External Power?
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Which one of the following is not true about the ram air turbine (RAT) generator?
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Which bus powers the main battery charger and the APU battery charger?
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How are the busses powered if the right engine is started with the APU powering the left bus system and external power powering the right bus system?
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Will the IDG disconnect automatically for high temperature?
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Which one of the following is not true about the flight control DC electrical system?
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Does electric power has priority over hydraulic power from the RAT?
Hydraulic has priority, and if electric is shed, only the CA instrument bus is powered through the main battery
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